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Command line options

The command line is a text string that is passed to the system whenever any program is executed; it contains the path to the program with the following set of parameters. In Windows, you can start a program via Start Menu “Run…” command or by clicking on a Shortcut on the Desktop or in Start menu. If you start a program by clicking a Shortcut, you can edit the command line for the program in Shortcut Properties' “Target” input box.

DBF Manager supports command line parameters for batch file processing:

dbfmanager.exe -i <file or folder> [-o <output folder>] (/sql|/txt|/xml|/xls|/access) /v


-i <file or folder> specifies that the next argument is a source file or folder. If not specified the program uses current path.

-o <save path> specifies that the next argument is a target folder. If not specified the program uses source path.

/sql generate an sql script

/txt export to text/csv file

/xml export to xml file format

/xls export to MS Excel xls file format

/access export to MS Access mdb file format

Optional parameters:

/brackets if specified fields are enclosed with square brackets

-blob “custom_field_type” if specified blob(memo) fields would have custom_field_type type, e.g. -blob “Varchar(8000)”, -blob “Varchar(max)”

/double enclose all string values with double quotes. Default is single quotes

/date2char changes field type from datetime to varchar

/v specifies that the program should show progress window

/comments adds original field type, length and decimal

-qualifier value you can define the any qualifier for fields in the target text or xml file. You may use none, singlequote, doublequote or any custom character. Default value is none.

-delimiter value you can define the separator of fields in the target text file. You may use tab, space or any custom character. Default value is tab.

/nolog specifies that the program will not create log file

Note: This feature is not available for Regular licenses.

commandline.1460716281.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/29 17:59 (external edit)